Sunday, August 21, 2011

Food storage update

So this weekend I went to the Emergency Essentials store to spend my $20 in free gift cards (see previous post) and I was able to get 3 #10 cans of quick oats, and 1 #10 can of barley (we don't eat barley that much so that one can is good for our 1 year food storage) and I also bought and Nalgene-esk water bottle. The total out of pocket i spent was: $5!  Woot woot!  I have a budget of $30/ month for food storage so this month I used only $15 of that budget becuase I spent $10 earlier in the month on a 20lb bag of rice.  I look forward to the case lot sales sure to happen this next month!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Here are two videos of her crawling, the first on was from the beginning of the summer and the second one is from just a week or two ago.  Then the third video is older but its of her eating, I love the little sounds she makes while she's eating!!

Free food storage!

Dear friends,
I have recently added two links to my blog and you may be wondering why...or maybe not but I will tell you anyway.  You can earn $20 in free food storage from "Emergency Essentials"!!  How?  You just need to add the links that I have on my blog to your very own blog, then email the company with a link to your blog and they will send you a $10 gift card for each of the links! Here is the website with full details and the link that you need to post onto your blog!
Happy Days!  Love