Sunday, October 17, 2010

New project

So, I've been wanting to start this project for a while but sometimes I think our life is too boring.  Its called a picture of the day project (POTD) and I've been inspired by this lady: Becky Higgins  she's this major scrapbooker and I've been following her blog just for fun.  Last Christmas she put out a product call project life and its specifically made for those people who take 1 picture everyday.  Anyways on to my story.  I have this scrapbooking album and it is fabulous just for regular scrapbooking, but lately I've been wanting to document every day life.  Sure it's not very exciting and some of the pictures you may look at and be like, "that's silly" but I want to remember our life now when I look back in 50 years, especially since our little baby will be making an appearance soon.  So here is day one of POTD:

We went shopping this weekend and bought some baby bottles, so I washed and dried them.  They are actually "breast flow" bottles and they come with tops so you can store breast milk in them as well--pretty smart!