Monday, February 15, 2010

$100 Challenge

So, many of you may know that I'm a couponing fool and I buy everything at discount.  What you may not know is I have about a years supply of canned food all over my house...literally.  (ok maybe not that much but it seems like a lot becuase we live in a small apartment).  So I received some inspiration from a coupon blog that I follow and for the month of March ( I know I'm jumping the gun a little, but I'm trying to psych myself out for this) I'm going to only spend $100 on groceries, for the whole month.  Wow, do you think I can do it?  I will still have a small budget to go eat out ($50), and I will still have $30 to solely spend on food storage, but for everyday needs I will only spend $100.  Why am I doing this?  I got kinda depressed when I realized we weren't getting as much back in our tax return as I anticipated, apparently I didn't pay enough in taxes this last year (taxes, who needs them) anyways in order to compensate for my depression, I'm going to be saving more money than I usually do and where will I get this money...from the money I usually spend on food.  The question is you think you could do it too??  Let me know if you're up for the challenge!